【同义词辨析】 2017-04-11 怀疑uncertainty-doubt

uncertainty: stresses lack of certitude that may range from a mere falling short of certainty to an almost complete lack of definite knowledge esp. about an outcome or result: general ~ about the program’s future.  (certitude:强烈的certainty确定)

doubt: suggests both uncertainty and inability to make a decision: plagued by ~ about his upcoming marriage.     Churchill: the only thing we will have to fear is fear, the only limitation to our achievement tomorrow will be our doubt today唯一阻碍我们未来取得成就的是我们今天的怀疑犹豫

dubiety: stresses a lack of sureness that leads to a wavering between conclusions: in times of crisis, a leader must be free from all ~.       waver动摇implies hesitation after seeming to reach a decision and so connotes weakness or a retreat看似做出决定后又再次犹豫,显得软弱倒退,wavered in his support of the rebels对叛军的支持有所动摇

skepticism: implies a habitual state of mind or customary reaction characterized by unwillingness to believe without conclusive evidence: an economic forecast that was met with ~.

suspicion: stresses lack of faith in the truth,reality, fairnessor reliability of something or someone: viewed the new neighbors with ~.

mistrust: implies a genuine doubt based upon suspicion: had a great ~ of all doctors.     (trust相信信任used with in or to, implies assurance based on faith that another will not fail one有信念把握,认为对方不会辜负自己,如trusted in her own strength相信自己的力量,如美钞上in God we trust我们相信(信赖)上帝,如it has taken years to earn their trust花了多年才赢得他们的信任)

uncertainty不确定: 泛指不确定, 从没把握到完全不知道,特别是针对结果而言,doubt犹豫怀疑: 不确定并且无法做决定, dubiety犹豫怀疑: 指不确定以致反复动摇,skepticism怀疑: 表示不愿在没有证据的情况下相信, suspicion也是怀疑猜忌: 指不确认对方真诚正直可靠, mistrust不信任猜忌: 由怀疑产生的不信任,语气稍弱

记忆方法: 1) 首字母UDDSSM重组为UDS MDS有的事,没的事<==表示怀疑


         3) 怀疑的意思是不确信mean lack of sureness about someone or something.首字母UDDSSM重组为UDS MDS有的事,没的事<==表示怀疑